Ok, I make this question because here in Guatemala, we had a UN commission that violated our…

So, how is it that a “simple teenage girl” gets invited to speak?

Ok, I make this question because here in Guatemala, we had a UN commission that violated our constitution and basic human rights, they were supposedly to fight impunity, but they made many illegal things, like an illegal raid to the President Residency without the correct paperwork, with a different address and using PNUD vehicles, they were reported to the UN and they didn’t do nothing, I traveled to the US to get to denounce this matters into the UN, and I was stopped at the door, I was told that the only way to get through was with a country delegation or by an NGO.

So, how is it that a “simple teenage girl” gets invited to speak?

And please, stop the B.S. it is not about the planet, as George Carlins said, the planet is doing fine, is us that are going to get f**ed, I have researched all about “climate change” or “global warming” getting information from real scientists and not Bill Nye or a teenage girl, yes, the planet where we live have some issues, and yes, human pollution is contributing in many ways, but weather is complex and saying that human CO2 is creating global warming is just wrong, there are many variables an hard evidence isn’t conclusive, yes, we would benefit from reducing carbon emissions, but not at the cost of reducing productivity nor by imposing far-left policies in a dictatorial global government, which is the plan that the UN is following, a plan made by big corporations as usual.

The left lost their mind, using a child for propaganda have uncovered how isn’t willing to debate using hard evidence and dialogue, it is by appealing to feelings, and manipulating the masses, and people are starting to realize thanks to Greta.