Sorry for the delay on replying, I have tons of things to do, let’s see… Many supporters of the…

You are right, “anecdotal evidence” which is not scientific evidence at all, here in Guatemala we have two lakes completely polluted, it is…

Sorry for the delay on replying, I have tons of things to do, let’s see… Many supporters of the claims that the world is warming, or that the claim that there is climate change (ambiguous terms that doesn’t rely on hard scientific evidence), have pointed out that one of the key factors of CO2 production is inequality, and spite that, you don’t want to talk about the GDP… How can someone mesure how a country is dealing with poverty then? Please, enlighten me.

You are right, “anecdotal evidence” which is not scientific evidence at all, here in Guatemala we have two lakes completely polluted, it is sad and it make my blood boil to see one of my childhood places destroyed, but that doesn’t account for the claims of climate change, also seeing many places that use to be thousands of trees, converted in housing complexes, but where are these people supposed to live?

You (and Greta) are the one that is selling this idea of climate change, you are the one interested in others to take action, you are the one interested in convincing others, I don’t know why you say “I’ve had this sort of discussion many times over many years, and unless the person I’m talking to has something new to add, I’m not interested”.

You say “You’re waiting for people to make things easy for you because you live in Guatamala? It would be very condescending of me to do that. I have more respect.”… Where the hell did you got that? When did I asked for something? My native language is Spanish and I’m doing an effort to speak your same language, I’m not even asking to speak in Spanish… ¿De dónde jodidos entonces es que se te ocurre semejante tontera?

But well, I guess even a politician like Putin and a comedian from the UK got it right: