Vínculos de apoyo y fuentes del vídeo:
- La siguiente página web agrupa una gran cantidad de links a datos duros sobre el COVID-19, proveyendo una visión general de la pandemia:
- DATO: La letalidad del nuevo coronavirus está dentro del rango de una temporada de gripe.
- Studies on Covid-19 lethality – Buen resumen de los links a los estudios con los datos oficiales a partir de los cuales se estima el IFR
- DATO: Para la gran mayoría de la gente, aún en los focos de la pandemia, el riesgo de morir con COVID-19 ha sido entre muy pequeño a totalmente insignificante.
- DATO: La distribución del riesgo de morir con COVID-19 en función de la edad es aproximadamente la misma que la distribución de la mortalidad normal en función de la edad.
- DATO: La mayoría de la gente puede tener cierto nivel de inmunidad al nuevo coronavirus proveniente de resfríos previos.
- DATO: Para la vasta mayoría de las infecciones del nuevo coronavirus, el sistema inmune resuelve la infección sin requerir la hospitalización.
- Covid-19: four fifths of cases are asymptomatic, China figures indicate
- COVID-19: in the footsteps of Ernest Shackleton
- How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike … And Different
- CDC – COVIDView: A Weekly Surveillance Summary of U.S. COVID-19 Activity
- NYC, 19.9% or 1.7 million people with antibodies and 43,000 hospitalizations by May 2
- NYC COVID-19 Hospitalizations Among Confirmed Cases
- DATO: Si una persona no tenía inmunidad antes de contagiarse del nuevo coronavirus, luego de contagiarse y recuperarse desarrolla inmunidad.
- DATO: La cifra real de muertes por COVID-19 es considerablemente menor – quizás muchísimo menor – a la cifra reportada de muertes por COVID-19.
- Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Dept of Public Health, explains what counts as a COVID19 death
- Corona-Crisis Injustificada: Carta Abierta del Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi a Angela Merkel [Subs Español]
- Report sulle caratteristiche dei pazienti deceduti positivi a COVID-19 in Italia Il presente report è basato sui dati aggiornati al 17 Marzo 2020
- 99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says
- Perspectives on the Pandemic | Dr. John Ioannidis Update: 4.17.20 | Episode 4
- Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
- Montezuma County disputes state’s coronavirus death count
- COVID-19: Data Summary – NYC Health
- Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators
- DATO: En gran medida, el COVID-19 es una enfermedad principalmente de hogares de ancianos y geriátricos.
- Studies on Covid-19 lethality – Swiss Policy Research – Percentage of Covid-19 deaths in care homes
- Mortality associated with COVID-19 outbreaks in care homes: early international evidence
- Nursing Homes & Assisted Living Facilities Account for 45% of COVID-19 Deaths
- Mortality associated with COVID-19 outbreaks in care homes: early international evidence
- RI Department of Health COVID-19 Response Data Hub
- With many COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes, Tory MP asks whether economy can reopen
- Two thirds of coronavirus victims may have died this year anyway, government adviser says
- Thousands of extra deaths outside hospital not attributed to covid-19
- 31 Deaths: Toll at Quebec Nursing Home in Pandemic Reflects Global Phenomenon
- Swedish death toll passes 4,000 as coronavirus cases in care homes start to fall
- DATO: Al situar al COVID-19 en su contexto real – tanto histórico como actual – la percepción de una pandemia extraordinaria desaparece.
- DATO: El colapso de los sistemas de salud que hemos visto no es algo inusual.
- Coronavirus Fact-Check #1: “Covid19 is having an unprecedented impact on ICUs”
- A severe flu season is stretching hospitals thin. That is a very bad omen
- La Mesa Hospital Sets Up Outdoor Tent for ‘Surge’ of Flu Patients
- R.I. hospitals divert patients after ERs are swamped
- Hospitals Overwhelmed by Flu Patients Are Treating Them in Tents
- Hospital Overrun By Flu Cases Having To Turn Them Away
- California hospitals face a ‘war zone’ of flu patients — and are setting up tents to treat them
- Milano, terapie intensive al collasso per l’influenza: già 48 malati gravi molte operazioni rinviate
- PERSPECTIVES ON THE PANDEMIC: A Conversation with Dr. John Ioanniddis, Stanford University, March 23rd, 2020
- NHS winter crisis: extra beds created by 52% of UK hospitals
- ¿Por qué la gripe significa colapso en los hospitales españoles?
- La gripe colapsa los hospitales de media España
- El hospital madrileño de La Paz, colapsado: los sindicatos llevan a la justicia la eliminación de camas
- El Pais – Colapso en los hospitales
- Enfermería denuncia “saturación y colapso” por la gripe en 11 CCAA
- DATO: Los modelos y proyecciones originales sobre la pandemia estuvieron “astronómicamente equivocados”.
- Perspectives on the Pandemic | Dr. John Ioannidis Update: 4.17.20 | Episode 4
- Intervention strategies against COVID-19 and their estimated impact on Swedish healthcare capacity | medRxiv
- Many people claim that, if the ICL model wildly overestimated how bad the epidemic would be in Sweden without a lockdown
- ‘Prof Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson admits Sweden used same science as UK
- Advisor known as ‘Professor Lockdown’ resigns after breaking rules to meet married lover
- Neil Ferguson’s Imperial model could be the most devastating software mistake of all time
- Code Review of Ferguson’s Model – Lockdown Sceptics
- Is the chilling truth that the decision to impose lockdown was based on crude mathematical guesswork?
- DATO: Es muy improbable o imposible el contagio fuera de ambientes cerrados, por gotas que “flotan”, por tocar superficies, y por portadores asintomáticos.
- Facts about Covid-19 – Swiss Policy Research
- CDC: Coronavirus mainly spreads through person-to-person contact and ‘does not spread easily’ on contaminated surfaces
- La OMS asegura que el Covid-19 no se transmite por el aire
- medRxiv – Indoor transmission of SARS-CoV-2
- Perspectives on the Pandemic II: A Conversation with Dr. Knut Wittkowski New York, April 1&2, 2020
- Vitamin D levels appear to play role in COVID-19 mortality rates: Patients with severe deficiency are twice as likely to experience major complications — ScienceDaily
- Primera oleada informe seroprevalencia covid-19 en España
- A Study on Infectivity of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Carriers
- DATO: No hay evidencia científica de que las mascarillas / barbijos sean beneficiosas para individuos sanos que no interactúan con enfermos.
- Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era | NEJM
- Commentary: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 Not Based on Sound Data
- Drosten-Vorgänger Krüger: „Corona nicht gefährlicher als Grippe“ –Exklusiv – Sputnik Deutschland
- Montgomery hält Maskenpflicht für falsch
- Endless Corona Madness? A Talk with Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – Servus TV
- DATO: Los mayores desastres relacionados al COVID-19 tuvieron causas múltiples, incluyendo causas humanas con consecuencias catastróficas.
- PERSPECTIVES ON THE PANDEMIC: A Conversation with Dr. John Ioanniddis, Stanford University, March 23rd, 2020
- Air Pollution in Italy: Health Hazards to Be Aware Of
- Perspectives on the Pandemic – Dr. John Ioannidis Update: 4.17.20 – Episode 4
- The ‘massacre’ of Italy’s elderly nursing home residents
- AP count: Over 4,500 virus patients sent to NY nursing homes
- Cuomo Claims He Didn’t Know About New York Rule Forcing Nursing Homes To Accept Elderly With COVID-19
- Gov. Cuomo’s controversial order requiring nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients was reportedly removed from New York’s health website
- doh_covid19-nhadmissionsreadmissions-032520.pdf
- To be honest with you, all of the death certificates, they’re writing #COVID on all the death certificates.
- Fuerte denuncia de una enfermera en Nueva York: “Están asesinando a los pacientes de coronavirus, a nadie le importa porque son de minorías”
- Divided by COVID-19: Democratic U.S. areas hit three times as hard as Republican ones
- DATO: Abundan los expertos con perspectivas de la pandemia que contradicen tanto la visión que nos difunden como las medidas que toman los gobiernos.
- John P.A. Ioannidis’ Profile – Stanford Profiles
- John Ioannidis: Uncompromising gentle maniac – The BMJ
- A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
- PERSPECTIVES ON THE PANDEMIC: A Conversation with Dr. John Ioanniddis, Stanford University, March 23rd, 2020
- Epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis says his research shows that the coronavirus is “common” and that there’s likely been many asymptomatic cases.
- Should governments continue lockdown to slow the spread of covid-19?
- Corona-Crisis Injustificada: Carta Abierta del Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi a Angela Merkel [Subs Español]
- Necessary measures or mass panic, 12 world known experts question the coronavirus emergency steps taken all over the globe
- Endless Corona Madness? A Talk with Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – Servus TV
- Medical Professionals and Scientist for Health, Freedom and Democracy – A Sucharit Bhakdi Initiative
- Swedish expert: why lockdowns are the wrong policy
- Senior scientist Johan Giesecke reconfirms that Stockholm will achieve herd immunity by mid-May
- Professor Sunetra Gupta: the epidemic is on its way out
- Professor Karol Sikora: fear is more deadly than the virus
- Coronavirus could ‘burn out naturally’ so vaccine not needed, former WHO director claims
- Let’s get back to normal – an interview with Professor Karol Sikora
- Dr. Pablo Goldschmidt: “Se creó un pánico que hace de círculo vicioso. No se puede seguir siendo víctima de la presión internacional”
- The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation
- Perspectives on the Pandemic | Dr. David L. Katz | Episode 3
- A National Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic for #TotalHarmMinimization
- Dr. David Katz: Coronavirus vaccine or herd immunity are only ways life can fully return to normal
- Forensic Doctor Destroys Media Lies: ‘Nobody Died of Covid in Hamburg without Previous illnesses’
- Forensic Doctor Destroys Media Lies: ‘Nobody Died of Covid in Hamburg without Previous illnesses’
- German virologist: Covid-19 is less deadly than we thought
- Für die allermeisten Menschen verläuft die Erkrankung mild
- Für die allermeisten Menschen verläuft die Erkrankung mild
- Atemschutzmasken für alle – Medienhype oder unverzichtbar?
- Sind wir tatsächlich im Blindflug?
- Die «Mit-dem-Virus-leben-Strategie» – Ziele, Chancen, Risiken
- Hinterlässt Coronavirus eine Immunität?
- Schulen schliessen – hilfreich oder nicht?
- Atemschutzmasken für alle – Medienhype oder unverzichtbar?
- Corona: Testen, testen und kein Ende
- Immunschwäche und Schwangerschaft – kein Covid-19 Risikofaktor
- Perspectives on the Pandemic Episode 2: In this explosive second edition of Perspectives on the Pandemic, Professor Knut Wittkowski
- PERSPECTIVES ON THE PANDEMIC V: A Conversation with Dr. Knut Wittkowski, PhD, New York, NY, April 24, 2020
- Professor Knut M. Wittkowski: »Die Epidemie ist vorbei«
- Nobel prize winning scientist Prof Michael Levitt: lockdown is a “huge mistake”
- LISTEN: CBC Radio cuts off expert when he questions Covid19 narrative
- Facing covid-19 reality: A national lockdown is no cure
- A view from the hVivo / Open Orphan #ORPH Laboratory – Professor John Oxford – Novus Comms
- DATO: Los expertos que contradicen el relato políticamente correcto son sistemáticamente ignorados y hasta censurados.
- Anything that goes against W.H.O will be removed from YouTube
- Video censurado
- YouTube accused of ‘censorship’ for removing video claiming Covid-19 could ‘burn out’ before vaccine
- YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown
- trustWHO Filmmakers Respond to Vimeo Censorship
- Twitter: Hemos ampliado nuestras normas y pediremos que se eliminen los tweets que incluyan lo siguiente.
- Twitter to label disputed COVID-19 tweets
- Facebook doubles down on COVID-19 censorship
- Oh fuck me. I can’t believe it. They censored it.
- DATO: No es necesaria una vacuna para volver a la normalidad.
- PERSPECTIVES ON THE PANDEMIC V: A Conversation with Dr. Knut Wittkowski, PhD, New York, NY, April 24, 2020 (Censurado)
- Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation
- The last time the government sought a ‘warp speed’ vaccine, it was a fiasco
- Low virus rate leaves Oxford vaccine trial with ‘only 50% chance’
- DATO: Los riesgos PARA los niños y POR los niños son prácticamente nulos, y el cierre de escuelas jamás estuvo médicamente justificado.
- Global Covid-19 Case Fatality Rates
- School closure and management practices during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review – The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health
- COVIDView A Weekly Surveillance Summary of U.S. COVID-19 Activity
- Evidence Suggests Kids Are Extremely Low Risk For Coronavirus
- Getting our kids back to school – a matter of trust
- No reported case of a child passing coronavirus to an adult exists, evidence review shows
- Schools reopening has not triggered rise in Covid-19 cases, EU ministers told
- Could Getting Dirty and Being Exposed to Germs Boost Your Health?
- Early exposure to germs has lasting benefits
- DATO: El origen de la idea de la cuarentena moderna es principalmente político – no científico – y la idea fue rechazada de cuajo por destacados expertos en pandemias.
- DATO: La experimentación científica ha indicado que las cuarentenas no funcionan.
- The lack of evidence lockdowns actually worked is a world scandal
- There Is No Evidence Lockdowns Saved Lives. It Is Indisputable They Caused Great Harm
- The Results of Europe’s Lockdown Experiment Are In
- Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims
- this is what it looks like when you plot later deaths against the actual magnitude of lockdown.
- Japan ends its COVID-19 state of emergency
- Did Japan Just Beat the Virus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing?
- Swedish death toll passes 4,000 as coronavirus cases in care homes start to fall
- A quick check in with the swedes
- SPA, ITA, UK, NL & SWE tendencies during crisis
- ‘Prof Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson admits Sweden used same science as UK but has suppressed coronavirus without tough restrictions
- Back from Sweden, can confirm
- WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward
- Análisis de los DATOS de Suecia, Reino Unido y Países Bajos, quienes adoptaron políticas muy diversas sobre la #cuarentena.
- Coronavirus: Norway wonders if it should have been more like Sweden
- LIFE’S A BEACH Bars, beaches and cafes packed as Europe eases coronavirus lockdowns after record-low deaths
- Un médico italiano: «El virus ya no existe»
- DATO: Las cuarentenas causarán una enorme cantidad de muertes y miseria.
- Unicef advierte que encierro podría matar más que coronavirus: hasta 1,2 millones de niños
- VIDA vs VIDA EL DILEMA ACTUAL- 14 de Abril de 2020
- Dr. Atlas on coronavirus lockdowns: ‘The policy … is killing people’
- A letter (to President Trump) signed by hundreds of doctors warning of adverse health consequences stemming from the coronavirus shutdowns.
- Isolation ‘can increase chances of early death by 50 per cent’, new study suggests
- NHS hospitals have four times more empty beds than normal
- Thousands of US medical workers furloughed, laid off as routine patient visits drop during coronavirus pandemic
- Stanford hospital system to cut pay 20%, furlough workers during coronavirus pandemic
- Dozens Dead After Lockdown Measures Delayed Their Heart Surgeries; Health Official: ‘Certainly Was Not Intended’
- Coronavirus: prevén hasta 9000 muertes por la menor atención de afecciones cardio y cerebrovasculares
- Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic
- WHO admits errors in handling flu pandemic
- ‘Nothing can justify this destruction of people’s lives’
- Coroner refuses to rule COVID-19 as cause of death of six-week-old baby after Connecticut governor claimed toddler was ‘youngest coronavirus victim in the world’
- Spanish football coach Francisco Garcia dies of coronavirus aged 21
- Nine-year-old Swiss coronavirus victim turns out to be 109 due to filing error
- Coronavirus disease 2019: The harms of exaggerated information and non‐evidence‐based measures
- CBS admits to using footage from Italy in NYC coronavirus report
- CBS admits to using footage from Italy in NYC coronavirus report
- Kawasaki Disease and Covid-19 Responding to your Questions and Concerns
- Responding to Press Coverage – 28 April 2020 Societi Scientific Advisory Board response to press coverage on Kawasaki Disease and Covid-19
- Hart Island Cementery
- New York rules out mass coronavirus burials but admits ‘unclaimed’ victims are being laid to rest on Hart Island
- Pandemic victims are filling NYC’s Hart Island. It isn’t the first time.
- Considerations related to the safe handling of bodies of deceased persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19
- ‘It’s All Bullsh*t,’ Russia’s Coronavirus Information Chief Says of Virus Fears
Vídeo original censurado por YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ar9z_lTT1p4
Brutal documental, maravilloso trabajo Rodrigo Polo, muchas felicidades.